How to redirect a page in Joomla?

Joomla Redirect

Redirects are essential for maintaining SEO and ensuring users find the correct content when URLs change. This guide covers page redirects, their importance, and how to implement them in Joomla.

  • Maintain SEO with effective Joomla redirects
  • Simplify URL management using Joomla Redirect Manager
  • Enhance user experience by avoiding broken links

Lets first understand the basic concept of redirect.

What Are Page Redirects?

Page redirects forward users from an old URL to a new one, avoiding 404 errors and preserving SEO value. The two most common types are:

301 Redirect

A 301 redirect permanently moves a page, telling search engines to remove the old URL and index the new one.

302 Redirect

A 302 redirect temporarily moves a page, indicating the original URL will return in the future.

When to Use Redirects

  • URL Changes: Preserve SEO value when changing a URL (301).
  • Site Migration: Move your site to a new domain (301).
  • Canonicalization: Ensure a single version of your URL is accessible (301).
  • Domain Consolidation: Merge multiple domains into one (301).
  • SEO Optimization: Update URL schemes for better SEO (301).
  • User Navigation: Direct logged-in users to different pages (302).

How to Redirect a Page Using .htaccess

Access and Edit .htaccess

Joomla includes a default htaccess.txt file in your root directory. Rename it to .htaccess to start configuring redirects.

Basic 301 Redirect Example

redirect 301 /old-link.html
  • redirect 301: Indicates a permanent redirect.
  • /old-link.html: The URL you want to redirect.
  • The target URL.

Redirecting with Joomla Redirect Manager

Joomla includes a built-in redirect manager, accessible under the Components section. If it’s missing, ensure the System – Redirect plugin and component are enabled in the Extension Manager.

Enable these components to use the redirect functionality. Also, activate the Collect URL plugin, which logs HTTP errors like 404s and saves the URLs as unpublished.

Why Use Joomla Redirect Manager Over .htaccess?

  • User-Friendly Interface: No need to edit code directly.
  • Automatic Error Collection: Easily log and manage 404 errors.
  • Centralized Management: All redirects in one place, simplifying updates and maintenance.

Now lets start the configuration of the Joomla Redirect Manager component.

Enable URL Rewriting

  1. Log into the Joomla Administrator.
  2. Go to System -> Global Configuration.
  3. Under the Site tab, enable Use URL Rewriting.

Using Redirect Manager

  1. Go to Components -> Redirects.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the Expired URL (e.g., /old_link).
  4. Enter the New URL (e.g., /new_link or an absolute URL like
  5. Save the redirect.

Bulk URL Redirection in Joomla 5

Do you want to upload URLs in bulk?

Joomla 5 makes it easy with its bulk URL import feature. Format your redirects as follows:

Old URL | New URL

Add one redirect per line and bulk import them to streamline the process. This feature simplifies managing large numbers of redirects efficiently.

Monitoring Redirects

Joomla Redirect Manager

Regularly check the Joomla Redirect Manager for broken links and set up necessary redirects. Make sure that collect urls plugin is enabled.

Google Search Console (GSC)

Not all website data appears in Google Search Console (GSC) if you haven’t added your site. Add your website to GSC now to monitor page issues and understand why your pages aren’t indexed on Google.

If your site is already added, then you can see the 404 pages by navigating to Indexing > Pages> Not Found (404).

Example: Ken’s Experience

The Problem

Ken changed the URL structure of his affiliate program page from to Visitors using the old link encountered 404 errors, harming user experience and SEO.

Ken forgot about the URL change and only realized the need for a redirect after checking Google Search Console. He discovered over 30 pages with 404 errors.

The Solution

Ken logged into Google Search Console and followed these steps:

  1. Navigate to Indexing: He went to Indexing > Pages > Not Found (404).
  2. Export Data: Ken clicked the export button on the top right to download the data as an Excel sheet or opened it in Google Sheets.
  3. Review and Redirect: He opened the “Table” sheet to see all expired or old 404 URLs. He then added a | and the new URL beside each old URL.
  4. Bulk Import to Joomla: Finally, Ken copied and pasted the formatted data into the Joomla Redirect Manager for easy bulk redirection.

This method simplifies managing redirects compared to adding URLs one by one.

Testing and Monitoring Redirects

Simplify URLs

When creating new URLs, keep them simple and descriptive. This practice improves SEO and makes managing redirects easier.

Test Redirects

After setting up redirects, thoroughly test them to ensure they work correctly. This ensures that users and search engines are properly redirected.

Additional Tips

Regular Updates

Keep your Joomla software and extensions updated. This ensures compatibility and smooth functioning of redirects.

SEO Considerations

Redirects help preserve link equity and SEO rankings. Properly set up redirects ensure that search engines index the correct pages.


Setting up redirects in Joomla ensures a seamless user experience and maintains SEO value. By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively manage URL changes.

In case you face any issues with redirection, you can contact us, we will be happy to help you!