Version: 2.9


How to use plugin? 

To use plugin write the following code within your article

Plugin Tag 

To use the PopAnyModule plugin within your articles or custom modules, use the following shortcode:

{popanymodule id="MODULE_ID" height="HEIGHT" width="WIDTH" class="YOUR_CUSTOM_CLASSES"}

id (required): The ID of the Joomla module you wish to display within the popup.
height (optional): The height of the popup. Default value is 400px.
width (optional): The width of the popup. Default value is 600px.
class (optional): Any additional CSS classes you'd like to add to the trigger content. Multiple classes should be space-separated.

1. Using text as a trigger:

{popanymodule id="16" height="300" width="500" class="btn btn-primary"}
Click me to view the module!

Here id means the module id which you would like to appear in the popup

2. Using an image as a trigger:


{popanymodule id="17" width="700"}
<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Trigger Image">

3. Using custom HTML as a trigger:
{popanymodule id="18" class="custom-trigger-class"}
<div><p>Hello, click this box!</p></div>


Finding the Module ID:
To utilize the PopAnyModule plugin effectively, you'll often need to reference the ID of the module you wish to display. Here's how to find the Module ID in Joomla:

Navigate to the Module Manager:

From the Joomla admin dashboard, go to Extensions > Modules.

View the Modules List:

You'll be presented with a list of all the modules currently available on your Joomla site. This list includes both published and unpublished modules.

Locate the Module ID:

In the list, each module has several columns of details associated with it, including its title, position, and ID. The ID column will show a number for each module. This number is the unique identifier (Module ID) for that specific module.

For instance, if you have a custom HTML module titled "Welcome Message," you would locate that module in the list, and then look at the corresponding number in the ID column.